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Internet price including delivery to Canada
Membership number (optional)
Internet price including delivery outside Canada
Membership number (optional)

 * Key update of the Michaud genealogical database: To benefit from an update at $ 30 (plus $ 10 for shipping costs) you must have already acquired either a USB key or a version CD earlier. We have a list of all buyers from the beginning of the sale of the database. The latest version available is that of 2023.

For the description of the items, see the French page.


  1. The price is the same whether you are a member of the association or not.
  2. When the order is to be delivered outside of Canada, the amounts remain the same, but payment must be made in US dollars.
  3. Shipping costs for Internet orders: If you are a paying member in good standing (1 year or 3 years) and if you have mentioned your member number when ordering (in the box reserved for this purpose), the shipping costs will be refunded to you over the next few weeks. This offer on everything (except the book Kamouraska et la Grande-Anse). They will be refunded to your credit card or, if you used it to pay, your PayPal account. This gratuity does not apply to life members. Free is valid for orders in Canada and also outside the country.
  4. Shipping costs for orders by post (order form) : If you are a paying member in good standing (1 year or 3 years) at the time of order, do not take into account the column Shipping costs of the form, because they are free for you. This offer on everything (except the book Kamouraska et la Grande-Anse). This gratuity does not apply to life members. This gratuity is valid for orders in Canada and also outside the country.

Interested in ordering? Click here to print the order form (PDF) (or Word format) or use the online service at the top of the page. Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery.