From to president Madeleine-Dubé Michaud :
Finally Spring is here and we all hope it will be a good one for each and everyone of you.
Ah! Comme la neige a neigé! wrote our famous poet, Émile Nelligan. Yes did ever snow this past Winter; moreover, we had to endure very cold weather day after day for quite a long time. As usual, Winter has us raging but milder weather seems just about to emerge. Luckily, after the cold, comes back warm weather. What would you say to begin Summer with a nice week-end in New-Brunswick?
Last year, a member from this region generously offered to organise this year’s meeting. A committee has been formed to suggest the administrative council, activities that would please the participating members. Cousin Nelson and his team have work hard in order that every participant returns home his head full of wonderful memories of the event. Therefore we invite you to our annual meeting in Dalhousie on June 9th and 10th, 2018. More details are available further in this Brelan’s edition.
During this meeting we will hold our annual general assembly during which we will inform you of the actual files, our Association’s finances and upcoming projects. Elections will also take place this year; we must elect 3 administrators for a 2-year mandate and one for 1 year. I invite you to join our team so that our Association goes on shining.
Among the Association’s goals in our general rules, one can read, “encourage genealogical researches”. I know that on the Internet, we can find many answers. Are we sure these informations are truthful? It seems that many websites have not made the compulsory verifications to make sure of the inscribed notions written. However do you know that our Association’s members may benefit from an agreement with Société de généalogie et d’histoire de Rimouski (Rimouski History and Genealogy Society) so that you have free access to their website where you can consult their database on Michaud families?
First, one has to be an AFMI’s member, then ask Alain, our treasurer, for an access code; Alain will make the proper arrangements with the Society. Do not hesitate to go forward in your researches and spread the good new around those who would like to consult these verified data in order to complete their own history.
For all members of the Montreal area, I invite you to meet with us upon Salon de la Société généalogique canadienne-française which will be held on Saturday, June 2nd, 2018, between 8.30 AM AND 4.00 PM at CEGEP Maisonneuve. AFMI will hold a stand to inform visitors and let them know about our Association. Cousin Réal and I will be there to answer your questions. We wish to meet every Montreal region’s members.
There are a few occasions to meet people interested in genealogy and our ancestors’ history.
I am looking forward meeting you on one or more occasions. Have a great Summer!
Madelaine Dubé-Michaud, president (1585)