From to president Alain Michaud

Alain Michaud largeur100

Dear members,
Spring is coming to our doorstep with all the optimism it holds. May this period be pleasant for you after this second exceptional and so restrictive winter!

With this season of renewal, also comes another edition of Brelan. Once again, you will find several in-depth articles on the history of Michaud originating from the same ancestor as you.

This is also the period for the renewal of annual dues. With last December's edition, we sent the form to the members concerned. In all sincerity, too few members responded to our call in December. Perhaps was it too early for inviting you to renew your subscription expiring 3 months later? For members whose subscription ends on March 31, 2022, we are once again attaching the form in this edition. You can use this form or pay securely with our online service on

Knowing that some are not at ease using a credit card, we now offer you the possibility of doing so with a simple Interac transfer. See instructions at the top of the form for payment terms.

I am well able aware that the editors and volunteers of your association make great efforts to ensure its dynamism, offer a quality magazine, constantly improve the genealogical database and our website. Organizing beautiful annual meetings is always in the plans as soon as large gatherings are in vogue... But to pursue our mission and goals, we need unwavering member support.

A special invitation is also addressed to our life members, since they no longer need to contribute: take under your wing the subscription of a member of your family, as our former president, Lise, suggests so well in her inspiring "Letter to Grandparents". We know that many members sponsor one or more of their children or grandchildren in this way, year after year. An excellent way to convey your taste for history and family solidarity. Why not you?

Happy spring and happy summer!


Alain Michaud (1480), president

Translated by Lise Michaud Landry (1375)